In episode 380 I chat with Dr Sam Greenblatt. Sam is a licensed clinical psychologist.
We discuss what is new with him, OCD metaphors, what therapy for OCD can change, the difference between pain and suffering, reducing suffering, intensity, duration, frequency, and content. As well as much more. Hope it helps.
The podcast is made possible by NOCD. For the month of May 2023, NOCD is offering a reduced rate of $100 USD per session, available to a limited number of new members, to help more people receive life-changing treatment. To get started and access this opportunity while it’s available, schedule a free call with the NOCD team today at learn.nocd.com/OCDStories.
Join our Patreon to see the video versions of the podcast ad-free and other perks: https://www.patreon.com/theocdstoriespodcast
Find out more about Sam:
Article this episode is based on: https://www.drsamgreenblatt.com/ocdarticles/what-can-therapy-change
Sam’s first episode: Frequent reasons therapy doesn’t work, and how to improve it
Second episode: A potential way of improving ERP
Third episode: Cancel culture, and the overutilisation of pornography to cope with OCD
Fourth episode: In the wake of OCD (Trauma, identity, loss)
Website: https://www.drsamgreenblatt.com/
Resources: https://theocdstories.com/resources
Join our Patreon to see the video versions of the podcast ad-free and other perks: https://www.patreon.com/theocdstoriespodcast
All the best,