Please find below OCD illustrations we created to bring to life certain teachings and metaphors shared on the podcast. These illustrations were originally posted on our social platforms. We hope you find these illustrations helpful. 

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Pure O has compulsions too

Pure O has compulsions too

Stuart RalphAug 9, 20222 min read

The term Pure O or purely obsessional was coined by Dr Steven Phillipson in 1988 to help those people who didn’t have obvious physical compulsions get diagnosed as having OCD. The term has proven very useful in raising awareness around…

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Navigate by your values

Navigate by your values

Stuart RalphAug 9, 20222 min read

We can navigate through life by our values. Sailors used to use the North Star 🌟 to navigate. The North Star was used to find true north. So no matter how lost they felt they could find the North Star…

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Delay Compulsions

Delay to slay compulsions

Stuart RalphJul 25, 20222 min read

Compulsions can be hard to stop. So in therapy one approach is to initially set a more achievable goal which can look like delaying the compulsion. If a particular compulsion feels far too challenging and scary to stop right now,…

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Viktor Frankl

Between stimulus and response there is a space

Stuart RalphJul 5, 20222 min read

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl (1946) founder of logotherapy, which was used for OCD many decades ago long before exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), shared this powerful view of our ability to make choices: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In…

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Experiential Avoidance

Experiential Avoidance

Stuart RalphJul 4, 20221 min read

It’s really hard and uncomfortable to make space for our internal experiences: urges, sensations, feelings/emotions, thoughts. Because it’s tough to feel them we avoid and push them away. This is called experiential avoidance. Experiential avoidance doesn’t work in the long…

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Pure O has compulsions too

Pure O has compulsions too

Stuart RalphAug 9, 20222 min read

The term Pure O or purely obsessional was coined by…

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Navigate by your values

Navigate by your values

Stuart RalphAug 9, 20222 min read

We can navigate through life by our values. Sailors used…

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Delay Compulsions

Delay to slay compulsions

Stuart RalphJul 25, 20222 min read

Compulsions can be hard to stop. So in therapy one…

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Viktor Frankl

Between stimulus and response there is a space

Stuart RalphJul 5, 20222 min read

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl (1946) founder of logotherapy, which was used…

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Experiential Avoidance

Experiential Avoidance

Stuart RalphJul 4, 20221 min read

It’s really hard and uncomfortable to make space for our…

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It’s not courageous, unless you’re scared 

Stuart RalphJun 23, 20221 min read

We often look at people who seem fearless and take…

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