Please find below OCD illustrations we created to bring to life certain teachings and metaphors shared on the podcast. These illustrations were originally posted on our social platforms. We hope you find these illustrations helpful. 

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It’s not courageous, unless you’re scared 

Stuart RalphJun 23, 20221 min read

We often look at people who seem fearless and take risks and go after what they want as brave and courageous. As therapist Jonny Say said on episode 334 of the podcast, “if they aren’t scared, it’s not courage” (paraphrasing).…

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OCD is tough, so be kind to yourself

OCD is tough, be kind to yourself

Stuart RalphJun 8, 20221 min read

OCD symptoms are hard. Difficult. Painful. Challenging. Agonising. Terrifying. So they are already those things, why add to it? OCD is pain. Learning to nurture and grow a compassionate voice within, to meet that pain and suffering won’t remove the…

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ERP with response prevention

Exposure without Response Prevention is torture

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20222 min read

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) can sometimes be referred to as exposure therapy. This is misleading. As it’s way more than that. ERP works because our brain learns something new. How? It learns through our behaviour change i.e. changing from…

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OCD Masks and themes

Treat the OCD, not the theme

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20221 min read

The scary part of OCD is the theme: contamination, religion, sexual orientation, violent or sexual, relationship worries etc (The list is endless). But the theme (mask) is not important. It of course feels it is, and this is exactly why…

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See Paris First

See Paris First

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20222 min read

I stumbled upon this poem a few years ago by M Truman Cooper called ‘See Paris first’: Suppose that what you fear could be trapped, and held in Paris. Then you would have the courage to go everywhere in the…

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OCD is tough, so be kind to yourself

OCD is tough, be kind to yourself

Stuart RalphJun 8, 20221 min read

OCD symptoms are hard. Difficult. Painful. Challenging. Agonising. Terrifying. So…

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ERP with response prevention

Exposure without Response Prevention is torture

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20222 min read

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) can sometimes be referred to…

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OCD Masks and themes

Treat the OCD, not the theme

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20221 min read

The scary part of OCD is the theme: contamination, religion,…

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See Paris First

See Paris First

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20222 min read

I stumbled upon this poem a few years ago by…

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Dropping Anchor

In an emotional storm… Drop anchor

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20222 min read

When life feels too much, our emotions can feel like…

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Doing compulsions does not keep OCD away

Stuart RalphJun 4, 20221 min read

This metaphor is taken from a special edition episode of…

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