In episode 306 I chat with Dr Eli Lebowitz. Eli created the treatment approach SPACE which stands for Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions. SPACE is a parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems. Eli is director of the Program for Anxiety Disorders at the Yale Child Study Center.
We discuss his therapy story, why he focused on helping families of people with OCD, what is SPACE, the negative consequences of accommodation, what SPACE consists of, the two core elements of SPACE which are to respond in a supportive manner and reduce accommodation, he gives case examples, sticking points in SPACE and ways to overcome them, and much more. Hope it helps.
The podcast is made possible by NOCD. NOCD offers affordable, effective, convenient therapy available in the US and outside the US. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to https://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
Find out more about Eli and SPACE:
Website: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/eli_lebowitz/
SPACE website: https://www.spacetreatment.net/
Book: Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD: A Scientifically Proven Program for Parents https://amzn.to/32TgvZ3
Jon Hershfield – When a family member has OCD
Dr Jon Abramowitz – Family guide to getting over OCD
All the best,