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In episode 231 I chat with Dr Reid Wilson. Reid is a licensed psychologist and director at the Anxiety Disorders Treatment Center in North Carolina. Reid is the author of many books including ‘Stopping the noise in your head’.
In this episode I discuss with Reid his 2019 IOCDF conference speech about these principles:
Acceptance speech-OCD Conference 2019: “The 5-Minute Version of 8 Self-Help Principles”
1. In the beginning, this work is frightening, difficult, and takes courage.
- BUT it’s not complicated. It’s simple once you learn it.
2. You gotta treat this as a mental game. You can win this game.
- You have a challenger. It has a strategy. Learn it’s strategy.
- Create your counter-strategy.
- You will be saying to OCD, “I’m not playing your game!”
3. Don’t do exposure. Exposure doesn’t work. Do exposure with attitude. That works!
- What’s the core attitude? “I want to do this.”
- “I want what I don’t want.” “I want whatever scares me.”
4. Own this work.
- Don’t follow the steps out of a book. Make sense of them!
- Don’t comply with your therapist’s instructions. Collaborate!
- Decide on your plan. Defend the logic of your plan. And then want to do what you should do.
- Own this work!
5. This is an aggressive sport. You need an attacking offense.
- You gotta bring it.
- “Hey, OCD, if I’ve got to take what you’re dishing out, then give me two servings, and give them to me NOW!”
6. Don’t say, “Maybe I locked the door, maybe I didn’t; I can handle uncertainty.” Or, “Maybe I ran someone over with my car and killed them, maybe I didn’t; I can handle uncertainty.” Nobody can handle THAT.
- The good news is: This work has NOTHING to do with your theme, your topic, your content. NOTHING!
- It’s about anxious uncertainty. Not uncertainty “about” anything. Just plain, old, fearful uncertainty.
- Go find uncertainty! Do something that gives you doubt. Then walk on, without answering that question.
- What do you say in those moments? “Good. I’m here to handle uncertainty.”
7. You win this game moment-by-moment.
- Don’t worry about the long-term; don’t worry about the future. It’s about right now.
8. Again, obsessions are terrifying in the beginning. I know it. You know it. But if we can make it simple… Here’s how it looks and sounds…
OCD: “Boo!”
YOU: “I’m going to call that an obsession.”
YOU: “I’m so done with that.” Turn away
YOU: “Yikes! Feeling uncertain is hard! But I can do it.”
Find out more about Reid:
Twitter: DrReidWilson
Reid’s website –
“Don’t Panic” by Dr Reid Wilson (
“Stopping the noise in your head” by Dr Reid Wilson (
“8 OCD self help principles in 5 minutes” video
Reid’s first time on the podcast
Dr Steven Hayes on the podcast
All the best,
Blimey, this is a rousing pep talk on kicking OCD’s butt! Stirring stuff!
Thanks Susanne!
Reid Wilson was the first person I ever heard say that it’s not about the content and that, to me, was huge. The man is a genius. Because it’s NOT about the content – the content always changes. OCD fools you into thinking it’s the content but it all comes down to not being able to tolerate uncertainty.
Glad you liked it, and him!