Welcome to the stories page. Please find below written personal stories from the OCD community. Please note – at this time we no longer publish written stories. We hope you find these stories inspiring. Check out the weekly podcast through the website, or:

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Living with a monster

AnonAug 23, 2019

“Its on an odd!” I screamed from the backseat of the car. Leaning forward at a stark angle, I impatiently slapped the soft cushion of my dad’s driver-side seat.  Silently and without much thought, he calmly turned the radio dial…

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My OCD Journey

AnonAug 1, 2019

My journey with OCD started long before a proper diagnosis. Since my early teenage years I’ve cycled through almost all of the subtypes of OCD, the most prominent being somatic OCD. In my mind so far I’ve had Cancer, Meningitis,…

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Craig Boyer

Sword and Shield

Craig BoyerJun 19, 2019

I don’t see the bear. My six-year-old daughter, Ellie, and my two-year-old son, Alex, have returned with me to our remote campsite from a late dinner at the main camp.  We are the only humans in sight.  I’m lost in thought, obsessing…

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My OCD Story: Irrational and ‘Rational’ Themes

AnonMay 24, 2019

When you have lived with OCD for years, and it has manifested itself in a variety of ways, or ‘themes’ as they are called, it becomes difficult to distinguish a ‘real’ and ‘rational’ worry or effort, from one propelled by…

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There is hope for me, and for you

AnonMay 9, 2019

I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t anxious. As a kid, I worried about small things, big things, even existential things, for as long as I can remember. Two early examples, from when I was probably about 5-6 years old,…

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Living with a monster

ByByAnonAug 23, 2019

“Its on an odd!” I screamed from the backseat of…

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My OCD Journey

ByByAnonAug 1, 2019

My journey with OCD started long before a proper diagnosis.…

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Sword and Shield

ByByCraig BoyerJun 19, 2019

I don’t see the bear. My six-year-old daughter, Ellie, and…

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My OCD Story: Irrational and ‘Rational’ Themes

ByByAnonMay 24, 2019

When you have lived with OCD for years, and it…

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There is hope for me, and for you

ByByAnonMay 9, 2019

I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t anxious. As a…

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OCD, existential questions and treatment

ByByAnonMay 9, 2019

My ankles wobbled. My quads ached. My mind raced. What’s…

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