In episode 239 I have Dr Patrick McGrath head of clinical services at NOCD, and Margaret Sisson founder of the not-for-profit Riley’s Wish, which she started to honour the memory of her son Riley, who was a passionate advocate for people with OCD and addiction.
In this episode I chat with Margaret and Patrick about who they are, why they are passionate about helping people with OCD and substance use, how common OCD and substance use is, stigma of substance use, symptoms of addiction, treating addiction along with OCD, what inpatient treatment may look like for OCD and substance use, ideas for when you are afraid to tell your therapist about substance use, harm reduction or abstinence, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics anonymous, SMART recovery, things to consider with medication, words of hope, words of hope/advice for family members of people affected by this and much much more. Hope it helps.
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to https://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
Find out more about Patrick:
Website: https://www.treatmyocd.com/about-us/team/
“The OCD Answer Book” by Dr Patrick McGrath
Patrick telehealth podcast
Patrick on the podcast – “It’s ok to be uncomfortable“
Patrick on the podcast – “Answers to Top OCD Questions”
Find out more about Margaret:
Riley’s Wish Website: RileysWish.com
Riley’s Wish Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rileyswish/
IOCDF Riley Sisson Conference Scholarship Fund – Find out more here
Margaret on the podcast – “OCD & Addiction (Riley’s Wish Foundation)”
AMITA Health Foglia Family Foundation Residential Treatment Center https://www.amitahealth.org/services/behavioral-medicine-institute/conditions-treated/foglia-family-foundation-residential-treatment-center/
Lori Johnson podcast episode on OCD and substance use
All the best,