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In episode 149 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Elvis Gomes. He was on episode 15 where he shared his OCD story and talked about his experience on the TV show Switzerland’s Got Talent. He is now studying for his PhD at Queen Mary University of London.
In this episode I chat with Elvis about an update on his OCD story, he tells us about his PhD research in intrusive thoughts, how to get involved with the research, he shares the 11 misunderstandings around Homosexual themed OCD, his words of wisdom for people with OCD, what he’s learned about OCD since researching it and much much more. Hope it helps.

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Find out more about Elvis:
Study intro video:
This is the link to the forum (his study): https://forum.flexmr.
Elvis on The OCD Stories episode 15
Elvis Gomes on Switzerlands Got Talent
The OCD Stories book >>
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