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In episode 214 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Mike Heady. Mike is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, and associate director at The Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland.

Mike talks about his therapy story, dating with OCD, realising you aren’t defective and that you don’t need to be free of OCD before dating, when and when not to disclose you have OCD on dates, disclosure is a form of intimacy, disclosure for taboo content, feeling ready to date, dealing with a break up due to OCD, when OCD latches on to dates in the case of some relationship OCD, learning to have fun on dates, dealing with any shame around OCD, feeling worthy of dating, giving kindness to yourself, living with uncertainty and much much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Mike:
Twitter: @anxietystressmd
The OCD Stories book >>
To your success,