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Dr Amy Mariaskin

Dr Amy Mariaskin – 4-8 year olds with OCD (#242)

In episode 242 I chat with Dr Amy Mariaskin. Amy is a licensed clinical psychologist and director at The Nashville OCD & Anxiety Treatment Center. 

In this episode I chat with Amy about what OCD looks like in 4-8 year olds, compulsions and obsessions, animism – inanimate objects having personalities, how 4-8 year olds conceptualise OCD, looking out for autism spectrum disorder, how OCD can impact other areas of this age groups lives, how Amy explains OCD to these kids, how therapy for children with OCD differs from adults, talking back to OCD, making exposures fun, utilising play in therapy, calling exposures bravery challenges, homework and rewards, getting parents and carers involved, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.

The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to

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Introduction to Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop: An OCD Storybook

This is an introduction to the audiobook of the children’s OCD storybook called “Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop” by Dr Katia Moritz released on The OCD Stories podcast.

This audiobook was produced by and for The OCD Stories podcast with kind permission from Dr Katia Moritz.

You can listen to the audiobook on the podcast, or on our website:

Special thanks to the voice over artists:

  • Henrietta the chicken  = Dr Elizabeth McIngvale
  • Daisy the cow and Maybelle the cow = Natalie Rubenstein
  • Snort the pig, other pigs, and Farmer Brown = Ethan Smith
  • Biscuit the horse and Trotter the horse = Dr Steven Poskar
  • O.C.Flea and Hoot the owl = Dr Jonathan Hoffman
  • Nervous little chick = Nami Ralph
  • Tips for fighting O.C.Flea = Dr Fugen Neziroglu
  • Narration = Stuart Ralph

If you want to buy a print copy of “Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop” you can do so here:

For more OCD resources please visit:

Hope it helps


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Dr Michelle Witkin

Dr Michelle Witkin – Siblings and OCD

In episode 188 of The OCD Stories podcast I chat with Dr Michelle Witkin. Michelle is a licensed psychologist who specialises in working with children, teens, and adults with anxiety disorders. She has a special interest in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. We talk about siblings and OCD. Hope it helps. 

Show notes:


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E. Katia Moritz

Dr Katia Moritz – The Core of OCD Treatment (Ep155)

In episode 155 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Katia Moritz. Katia is a Clinical Director of the NeuroBehavioral Institute in Florida and is a licensed psychologist who treats OCD. She also wrote the children’s OCD book “blink, blink, clop, clop”. Hope it helps. 

Show notes:

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UNSTUCK: A family that fights OCD together, beats OCD together (Ep81)

In episode 81 I did my first face to face interview. UNSTUCK is a documentary about childhood OCD, with the unique angle of the kids as the experts. Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier started this project two years ago to shed some much needed light on how OCD affects children, and how they can recover. In this episode I chat with Chris, and his two daughters Vanessa and Charlotte.

Show notes:

The OCD Stories book:

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To your success,

Stuart and The OCD Stories team

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The OCD Stories

UNSTUCK: An OCD Kids Movie (Ep 10)

In episode 10 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier. Chris and Kelly are creating the documentary called UNSTUCK: An OCD Kids Movie. A documentary featuring entirely a cast of children, showing the wisdom and bravely that youth brings.

Show notes:

Chris & Kelly’s OCD story (1:40)

Aim of the documentary (4:30)

Documentary structure (6:30)

How OCD affects the siblings (8:00)

The documentary will show anxiety is much a part of OCD as obsessions and compulsions (12:20)

The documentary is about describing the journey of recovery (13:35)

How Chris and Kelly’s kids got diagnosed (17:40)

Benefits of kids with OCD hanging out with other kids with OCD (24:00)

Why only kids will be in the film (32:30)

OCD in school (34:30)

Advice for parenting a kid with OCD (36:40)

The one piece of advice for the parent and the one piece of advice for the kid struggling with OCD (44:10)

What Chris and Kelly would write on their billboard (46:30)

Find out more about Chris and Kelly:

The film website and trailer:

OCD Kids Movie Facebook

Twitter: Chris / Kelly

Resources mentioned:

Mount Sinai hospital OCD treatment

Project UROK

To your success,

Stuart and The OCD Stories team

Get exclusive podcasts and content by becoming a member of the podcast find out more here >> 

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Dr Steven C Hayes

Dr Steven Hayes on ACT, OCD and Living A Meaningful Life

Show notes:

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) research depth (3:20)

ACT vs CBT in the research (4:40)

Steve’s OCD, anxiety and research story (6:00)

Why and how Steve came up with ACT (12:50)

Relational frame theory (RFT) (15:45)

How Eastern philosophy links with ACT (20:50)

The importance of using our minds without our minds using us (23:20)

Psychology within the media, marketing and technology (26:00)

Getting ACT into schools (28:45)

Tinnitus story to understand ACT (39:00)

Why you shouldn’t try to stop thoughts. Instead accept them (46:20)

Accept your emotions, not just your thoughts (47:20)

Can you beat OCD? (48:00)

Finding meaning in suffering (51:00)

ACT and Logotherapy (53:20)

How to accept your thoughts and defuse from them – including exercises (58:25)

Steve’s thoughts on meditation (1:12:50)

Using ACT to get rid of physical compulsions (1:20:30)

How ACT is gentler than ERP, and mental health vs illness (1:26:40)

Why you are one of the lucky ones (1:44:20)

Find out more about Dr Steven Hayes:

Steve’s site –

Steve’s books

Get out of your mind and into your life 

Resources mentioned:

Marianne Williamson quote –

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

The worry trap by Chad LeJeune

Man’s search for meaning by Viktor Frankl 

Increasing Willingness to Experience Obsessions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Michael P. Twohig, Steven C. Hayes, Akihiko Masuda 

To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team

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