In episode 202 of The OCD Stories podcast I chat with Dr Josh Spitalnick. Josh is a licensed psychologist, owner and clinical director at the Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta, an outpatient clinic.

In this episode I chat with Josh about his story of working with children, how OCD may differ in children, worry monsters, working with the family, explaining ERP to a child, encouraging kids to do their CBT homework. PANDAS – what is it, the key things families can consider when helping their child with OCD, family conflict in recovery, advice for parents, keeping a child motivated during treatment, and much much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Josh:
Twitter: @DrSpitalnick
Josh’s first episode on the podcast
“Freeing your child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” by Tamar Chansky
Dr Michelle Witkin – Siblings and OCD podcast
IOCDF “Anxiety in classroom” and “PANDAS“
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
The OCD Stories book >>
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