In episode 195 of The OCD Stories podcast I chat with Jon Hershfield and Shala Nicely. Jon and Shala are both therapists who specialise in OCD. They co-wrote a book called “Everyday mindfulness for OCD: Tips, Tricks, and Skills for Living Joyfully”.

In this episode I chat with Jon and Shala about noticing when your mind wanders off, returning to your anchor, noticing the minds story, being self compassionate when being mindful or meditating, common “mistakes” when meditating, simple ways to meditate, and much much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Jon and Shala:
Jon’s website:
Shala’s website:
“Everyday mindfulness for OCD” by Jon and Shala (
Meditation apps: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer, 10 percent happier, Waking up.
“Altered traits” Daniel Goleman
“10% happier” by Dan Harris
“Mindfulness: The Eight-week meditation programme for a frantic world” by Prof. Mark Williams
The OCD Stories book >>
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Hey! Could you please upload the podcasts on YouTube which aren’t available there, because on YouTube there are auto-generated subtitles which help me understand what you guys are saying. I’m not a native speaker so I don’t understand most of the stuff you guys say on the podcast without subtitles. So, I would really appreciate it, if you could do that.
Hi thanks for your comment. At the moment we can’t add the older ones to Youtube. You can still get them all on podcast apps and spotify, if that helps. We will try to upload the older ones to youtube in the future.
Thanks for listening,