In episode 223 of The OCD Stories podcast I chat with Stacey Kuhl Wochner. Stacey is director of OCD Specialists a private psychotherapy practice, treating adolescents and adults with OCD and related disorders.

In this episode I chat with Stacey about her therapy story, what is real event OCD, what makes this OCD, how someone can know if this is OCD or a reasonable response to a real event, cognitive distortions of black and white thinking around right and wrong, some of the obsessions and compulsions of this sub-type, what CBT/ERP looks like for this theme, mindfulness, self-compassion, how families can help those with this sub-type, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Stacey:
Stacey’s private practice:
Real Event OCD article:
The OCD Stories book >>
To your success,
Thank you. Wishing you all the best.
Nice to know that I am not alone, Word for word it is also my story from 2 years ago. I have yet to start ERP therapy but am hopeful it will help me forgive myself and move on from the guilt and shame that I hold from past actions,
Stacy sounds brilliant!
Thanks Mary, wishing you all the best.