In episode 117 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Marco Maggioni. Marco Kindly agreed to share his story with us. Marco’s written story for the site was titled “Overcoming OCD is not a fight, is an act of love”, this energy and mindset comes across in this episode beautifully.
In this episode I chat with Marco about his OCD story, his recovery journey, how meditation has played a role in his recovery, tips for meditating, letting thoughts be, and the importance of kindness and compassion. Hope it helps.

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Find out more about Marco:
Marco’s meditation YouTube channel – Meditation with Marco
Marco’s written story – Overcoming OCD is not a fight, is an act of love
[Member Content] Kimberley Quinlan – Loving kindness meditation
Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond by Ajahn Brahm (Amazon)
Why Buddhism is true by Robert Wright (Amazon)
To your success,