In episode 185 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Lily Bailey, in front of an audience at the IOCDF conference in Austin. Lily is a model, OCD advocate and author of the book “Because we are bad: OCD and a girl lost in thought”.

In this episode I chat with Lily about her story, having a meaningful life, working with anger, getting treatment, going to OCD support groups, Lily’s first experience with her CBT therapist, going back to CBT, mindfulness and meditation, activities Lily does that help her, Lily talks about her book, what it was like sharing her story, her epiphany in recovery, imposter syndrome, and lots of audience questions. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Lily:
Lily on Twitter – @LilyBaileyUK
Lily on Instagram – @LilyBaileyUK
Lily’s book: Because we are bad: OCD and A Girl Lost In Thought (
Lily’s first The OCD Stories interview
Lily’s second The OCD Stories interview
The OCD Stories book >>
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