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In episode 218 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Sheva Rajaee. Sheva is a psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and other related anxiety disorders. Sheva did a Ted Talk called “Addicted to the answer – anxiety in the age of information“ which made up the core of our first podcast together.

Sheva Rajaee

In this episode I chat with Sheva about her relationship to relationship OCD, some obsessions and compulsions of this theme, types of exposures (and response prevention) for this theme, when the romantic partner comes into the therapy room, psycho-education for the partner, the fear of being cheated on and the fear of cheating on the partner, philosophy of relationships, words of hope, Sheva’s book and much much more. Hope it helps. 

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Find out more about Sheva:

Sheva’s Instagram – @theshrinkwrap

Sheva’s clinic –

Sheva’s Ted Talk – Addicted to the answer – anxiety in the age of information

Sheva’s first episode on The OCD Stories

Sheva’s first episode on The OCD Stories

Sheva’s relationship OCD article on

Sheva’s book “Relationship OCD”


Two bonus NOCD mini-podcasts

Guy’s Doron’s website –

The OCD Stories book >>

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