In this special midweek episode of the podcast which was recorded at the OCD in Society event recently. I chat with these 3 OCD advocates and artists about who they are, what their creative expression for OCD is, dealing with imposter syndrome and self doubt, the benefits of creative expression, how art can help spread information about OCD, and much more. Hope it helps.
The podcast is made possible by NOCD. NOCD offers affordable, effective, convenient therapy available in the US and outside the US. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans, if they currently take your insurance, or to download their free app, head over to https://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
Find out more about Catherine:
Catherine show: first time, second time, third time, fourth time
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catherine_benfield/
Website: https://www.tamingolivia.com/
BBC article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-45879034
Article in British journal of midwifery: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/full/10.12968/bjom.2018.26.11.700
Find out more about Lily:
Lily on the show: first time, second time, Live from Austin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilybaileyuk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LilyBaileyUK
Books: Because we are bad (https://amzn.to/3x2Lezp) and When I see blue (https://amzn.to/3M7EQuS)
Find out more about Laura:
Laura on the show
Website: https://www.ocddoodles.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ocddoodles/
Eva’s episode on guilt: https://theocdstories.com/episode/eva-guilty-obsessions-307/
OCD in Society event: https://ocdinsociety.wixsite.com/home
All the best,