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In episode 82 I interviewed Dr Ariz Rojas. Dr Rojas-Cifredo is a licensed psychologist in the Division of Tics, OCD, and Related Disorders in the Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
I had a great chat with Ariz who kindly shared her time with us. We discussed group ERP vs one-to-one ERP, how treatment of childhood OCD differs from adults, how to motivate kids to do ERP exposures, explaining OCD and anxiety to children, advice for parents and much much more. Enjoy!
“Emotions are temporary, your values are consistent” – Dr Ariz Rojas

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Show notes:
Ariz’s story (4:00)
How does treatment for OCD differ in Adults and Children? (7:00)
Reward system to motivate kids in ERP (10:00)
How group therapy differs from individual therapy in ERP (11:25)
Doing exposures with kids (15:00)
How has Ariz’s therapy style changed over the years? (17:00)
What are the latest research on the causes of OCD? (19:45)
What to do when your kid is an expert in ERP (21:20)
How do you explain OCD and anxiety to a child? (24:20)
How to avoid passing OCD onto your children (27:50)
How parents can support their kids who have OCD (31:30)
Billboard question (33:50)
Advice for living an amazing life (34:40)
Final words of wisdom (36:05)
Find out more about the Ariz:
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To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
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