In episode 206 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Dr Patricia Zurita Ona. Patricia is director of the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center and adjunct professor at the Wright Institute. She is the author of several books including Escaping the Emotional Roller Coaster, and her new book “The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD: Unhook Yourself and Live Life to the Full”.

In this episode I chat with Patricia. We discuss her therapy story, what ACT is, using ACT with children and teens with OCD, ACT and ERP together, value based exposures, the choice point, willingness in therapy, her new book, living with uncertainty, words of hope and much more. Hope it helps!
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Find out more about Patricia:
Patricia’s website –
Online course:
The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD: Unhook Yourself and Live Life to the Full
Patricia’s other books
The OCD Stories book >>
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