In episode 36 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Duncan CJ. Duncan is the host of the Spirit Pig podcast and my good friend. Duncan’s show looks into what it takes to be fulfilled and has a great mission of 7 Billion People Living Fulfilled Lives! So that includes all of you listening.
Duncan doesn’t have OCD. I got him on to share some tips and tools to improving overall mental well being from a personal development point of view. The OCD Stories is about OCD recovery which involves living a meaningful life. I believe this episode will inspire you on your journey.
I chat with Duncan about finding your passion, why fulfilment is about the journey, life is about embracing all emotions not just the good ones, he shares a gratitude exercise, breathing to calm the mind, he offers meditation advice and the power of hope. There is both good and bad info, it’s up to us to find and read/watch/listen to the good. You suggests you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with and the importance of knowing your why – living a values based life. Enjoy.

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This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD. NOCD:
Show notes:
Duncan’s Spirit Pig story (7:20)
Fulfilment: The journey or the destination? (14:20)
What living a fulfilled life means to Duncan (18:10)
Advice for getting back into the present (28:30)
Meditation (34:30)
Best advice Duncan has received from his podcast guests (40:00)
How to snap yourself out of a funk (46:30)
The main book Duncan recommends (52:00)
Duncan’s advice for living an amazing life (59:30)
What Duncan would have on his billboard (1:05:50)
Find out more about Duncan:
Duncan on Twitter – @Dunc_CJ
The Spirit Pig Podcast –
The Spirit Pig Podcast on iTunes
Dr Chad LeJeune episode 20 – breathing exercise to lower anxiety
What is ASMR? – check out this video
Brene Brown – The power of vulnerability
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (
Start with why by Simon Sinek (
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team