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In episode 165 of The OCD Stories podcast I interview Sean Shinnock. Sean is an artist, advocate, and creator of the monster initiative, with Draw your monster being a project under that umbrella. He has kindly agreed to talk with us again.

In this episode I chat with Sean about hope, renewing hope, his advocacy, vulnerability, intimacy, The Monster Initiative, the advocacy campaign “Every crayon colours”, and so much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Sean:
Sean’s website:
Instagram: @SShinnock & @DrawYourMonster
Facebook: @DrawYourMonster
Sean on the first episode of The OCD Stories
The Happiness Trap (also on the podcast)
Ego is the enemy & The obstacle is the way
Gifts of imperfection & Daring greatly
The mindfulness workbook for OCD
The hilarious world of depression
The OCD Stories book >>
To your success,
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Very inspiring to listen to. Thank you
Thanks Nicole!
Thank you Stuart for another great interview with Sean Shinnock! The ocdstories podcast has taught me so much! Thank you for your continued hard work and the interesting guest speakers!
Best to you.
Thank you for listening and for the kind words Susan!