In episode 106 I interviewed Dr Steven Phillipson for the second time. Steven is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. He co-founded the first Support group for OCD sufferers in the New York area in 1987. Steven is the Clinical Director at the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy.
In this episode with Steven we discuss how ERP works, developing a champion mindset in recovery, the power of choice, living by your values, Viktor Frankl, the phrase “If I’m not choosing it, let it be!”, and staying centred in emotional turmoil. Enjoy!

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Find out more about Steven:
Steven’s website –
Steven’s article on choice
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – Recovery From Thinking The Unthinkable
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
At 12 mins and 30 secs into the podcast Dr. Phillipson mentions the goal of ERP is to show the brain the intrusive thoughts are irrelevant. From his comments, it sounds like we shouldn’t be caught up in experiencing anxiety during the exposure. High anxiety or low anxiety, the main goal is to make the brain bored of the intrusive thoughts, memories, and images. Can ERP be effective without high levels of anxiety?
Hi good point. I believe it can be, although often there will be high anxiety especially as people face the more worse thoughts etc.
Does this choice apply to rOCD? Is it as simple as choosing to be with someone that you want to be with?
I recommend reading his whole article as that will help with this question, more than I could. Then if you have nay questions drop him an email 🙂