In episode 183 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Dr Steven Phillipson. Steven is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. He co-founded the first Support group for OCD sufferers in the New York area in 1987. Steven is the Clinical Director at the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy.

In this episode I chat with Steven about what is OCD, what is magical thinking, how magical thinking exists in society, ERP for magical thinking, thought-action fusion, words of hope, and much much more. Hope it helps.
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Find out more about Steven:
Steven’s website – / Choice article
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – Recovery From Thinking The Unthinkable
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – How ERP works, and the power of choice
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – What actually is OCD?
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – Teletherapy for OCD
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – Altered States of Consciousness & OCD
Podcast: Dr Steven Phillipson – Two tail spikes in OCD
The OCD Stories book >>
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