Jonny Say

In episode 439 I chat with Jonny Say. Jonny is a UK based therapist and co-director at The Integrative Centre for OCD Therapy. 

We talk about what are values based exposures, Jonny guides me through an imaginal exposure with acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), he goes through the skill dropping anchor, and much more. Hope it helps. 

The podcast is made possible by NOCD. NOCD offers effective, convenient therapy available in the US and outside the US. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to

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Find out more about Jonny: 

Jonny’s 10-week ACT and ERP skills group: 

Jonny’s previous episodes: onetwothreefourfivesixseven, eight

Website:  / 

YouTube OCD skills playlist (Jonny’s videos):



The Integrative Centre for OCD Therapy: 

Dr Jon Abramowitz on Breaking the rules podcast:

Jon Hershfield and Shala Nicely ‘Everyday mindfulness for OCD’ book:


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All the best,


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